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The Gold Standard In Hemp

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What is CBD?

CBD is one of  the hundred different cannabinoids in cannabis, proven to have a profound and beneficial impact on our health (as supported in the US National Library of Medicine/PubMed). Most people associate cannabis with marijuana and getting high. It’s important to understand that marijuana and hemp are two DIFFERENT plants from the same species. Medicinal hemp, naturally contains low levels of THC, and during the c02 extraction process, the small trace amounts are isolated and removed. Furthermore, in order to legally be sold, it can only contain 0.03 % of THC, making it undetectable in the system. In short, industrial hemp contains all the beneficial CBD compounds WITHOUT the THC, so WITHOUT the high. CBD is especially prevalent in the flowers, or buds, and to a lesser degree, the stalks and stems, so when buying you want to ensure you are looking for a full spectrum oil, not an isolate. . In 1992, one of the biggest medical breakthroughs was the discovery of the endocannabinoid system, which all living species with a back bone have!  This endocannabinoid system is possibly the single-most important system within our entire bodies – responsible for maintaining homeostasis, if our endocannabinoid system is not functioning properly, the whole body could be at risk as it struggles to reach a state of homeostasis. CBD could possibly be the simplest, most effective route to reduce or eliminate pain, stress, disease and improving your overall health. Scientists have discovered over 100 additional health-promoting cannabinoids! These cannabinoids are chemical compounds that provide relief to symptoms such as pain, nausea and inflammation, they act as an anti-inflammatory, anticonvulsant, antioxidant and antipsychotic, helping the body with pain, inflammation, oxidative injury, stress and anxiety.



using less for more effective results!

Cannabinoids are healing, but they are only beneficial when they can be absorbed by the body and that depends on just how bio-available they are. ‘The Blend’ is a Nano-emulsified product. This is a processes that breaks down the CBD molecules into very small tiny particle sizes, similar in size the body makes and recognizes. Nano particles are rapidly absorbed starting in the mouth. Simply put, smaller, more stable, single-layer spheres

utilized by the body and absorbed by your cells. ‘The Blend’ CBD is nutritionally-enhanced and nano-emulsified, resulting in an effective dose that is generally ½ of what is necessary in other CBD brands.

Full Spectrum

Full-spectrum oil utilizes all the cannabinoids found naturally in the plant

‘The Blend’ is a true Full spectrum CBD containing all the cannabinoids and terpenes found naturally in the plant (even trace amounts of THC in very low concentrations)


More commonly in the CBD market are Isolate products marketed as “full spectrum”. An isolate is an isolated compound (CBD in this case) that is extracted from and does not include the other cannabinoids and lacks the entourage effect.

This chart highlights the different cannabinoids and their benefits and address different health concerns. Studies between a full spectrum and isolated CBD show a full spectrum was more effective and provided greater relief.


Research supports the use of full spectrum extract as a superior choice over CBD isolate.



+60 medicinal TERPENES



Powerful benefits for your body and brain, relieves nausea, improves brain function, relieves pain, improves cardiovascular system, lowers cholesterol and blood pressure, cancer prevention, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial


Extracted from the seeds of black cumin, boosts the immune system, suppresses appetite, relieves pain, reduces inflammation, fights infections, has anti-bacterial properties

8 Beneficial DRIVERS


Loaded with antioxidants, reduces inflammation, beneficial effect on blood sugar, balances hormones, reduces cholesterol, calming, reduces risk of heart disease, reduces pain and inflammation, anti-bacterial, antifungal, antioxidant, insom


Powerful and potent antioxidant, increase energy, energizing, restores wellbeing, reduces inflammation, supresses appetite, manages blood sugar


Reduces inflammation, enhances memory, increases circulation and heart health, reduces anxiety and stress, has protective effect on the brain, has a positive effect on mood, excellent for cognitive and mental function, powerful antioxidant


A natural anti-inflammatory, potent antioxidant, helps calm anxiety, relieves pain, improves memory retention and alertness, asthma bronchodilator, reduces inflammation, lower risk of heart disease


Alleviates headaches, indigestion, cramps, reduces symptoms of nausea, improves memory, enhances mood and energy, appetite suppressant, controls blood sugar, improves circulation


A powerhouse for immunity, builds up bodily resistance to viruses and bacteria, known to increase white blood cell count and stimulate the production of antibodies, builds and restores overall health to the body

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